Create a product
Here is an example fixture on how to create a new shopware product. This fixture creates the product and fills out all the required fields:
namespace YourVendor\YourPlugin\Fixtures;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Context;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityRepository;
use Basecom\FixturePlugin\Fixture;
class ProductFixture extends Fixture
public const PRODUCT_ID = '0bea2ae3509b4ff19bf24719fadb106f';
public const VISIBILITY_ID = '5f3bae78b6f547c29cd4b94104da3acf';
public function __construct(
private readonly EntityRepository $productRepository,
) {
public function load(): void
$salesChannel = $this->helper->SalesChannel()->getStorefrontSalesChannel();
$rootCategory = $this->helper->Category->getRootCategory();
'id' => self::PRODUCT_ID,
'name' => 'Example Product',
'active' => true,
'productNumber' => '1234',
'taxId' => $this->helper->Tax()->getTax19()?->getId(),
'price' => [
$this->helper->SalesChannel()->getCurrencyEuro()?->getId() => [
'net' => 84.03,
'gross' => 100,
'linked' => true,
'currencyId' => $this->helper->SalesChannel()->getCurrencyEuro()?->getId(),
'stock' => 100,
'categories' => [['id' => $rootCategory->id]],
'visibilities' => [
'id' => self::VISIBILITY_ID,
'productId' => self::PRODUCT_ID,
'salesChannelId' => $salesChannel->getId(),
'visibility' => 30,
]], Context::createDefaultContext());