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Available commands

The FixturePlugin provides a few symfony commands that you can execute.

Running fixtures

Run all fixtures

bin/console fixture:load

Possible arguments:

ArgumentDescriptionDefault Value
--dryDisplay all fixtures that would run without executing themfalse
--vendorExecute also all fixtures found in the vendor directoryfalse

Run a specific fixture

bin/console fixture:load:single {FixtureName}

Possible arguments:

ArgumentDescriptionDefault Value
--dryDisplay all fixtures that would run without executing themfalse
--vendorExecute also all fixtures found in the vendor directoryfalse
--with-dependenciesAlso execute all dependencies recursivelyfalse
-wAlias for --with-dependenciesfalse

Run a fixture group

bin/console fixture:load:group {GroupName}

Possible arguments:

ArgumentDescriptionDefault Value
--dryDisplay all fixtures that would run without executing themfalse
--vendorExecute also all fixtures found in the vendor directoryfalse

Helper commands

Get random UUID

bin/console fixture:uuid

This command just returns a valid, random UUID.

Released under the MIT License.